Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Shepard Fairey - Creator of the Barack Obama 'Progress' Artwork

Shepard is a graffiti artist/DJ/guerilla marketer and one of the most influential political satirists around. Art critic Robert L. Pincus says Fairey's work, "is political art with a strong sense of visual style and emotional authenticity. Even in times when political art has ebbed, Fairey's has just the right balance of seriousness, irony and wit to fit the mood of the moment." Check out his article at The Washington Post here Obama's On-the-Wall Endorsement


Anonymous said...

word. always wondered who was responsible for stuff like that. seems like some guy in a suit and tie would be coming up with these ideas, but this guy seems to have a pretty good grasp of the climate, and obama looks pretty bad news bears in the poster.