Saturday, September 27, 2008


After watching the debate and hearing Obama and McCain beef about Iran, Iraq, Wall Street, Russia etc., I was a bit disappointed not to hear about what's going here in the states, specifically in our inner cities. Obviously through all of the economic crisis talk and usual rhetoric, some things don't change. Education, healthcare, gun control, police brutality, the crazy prison system, parole and probation laws and other issues that are ravaging communities fall by the wayside, I'm curious to hear what our community organizers have to say.

The Daniel Giddings case in Philly Field Negro Report on Cop Killing in Philly (PA is a key battleground state by the way), has not made national headlines and I wonder if it will. Philly is kinda wild right now and unfortunately, it's typical of Metropolitan cities.

Another thing, what about Africa? Anybody has a view on the Pan African concept? What about the Caribbean? I mean, we're supporting Barack kinda hard, but I still haven't heard about support for Haiti for anyone. The south is still vulnerable to hurricanes and no one addressed that. Also, with all this economic talk, where does this leave young aspiring entrepeneurs? What about creating generational wealth? The effect of gentrication in our inner cities?

A million and one questions I swear...