So a Black man is going to be the next President of the United States of America.....
What kind of emotion does that bring out of you? Do you agree? Or are you thinking no way? How about you just don't give, you know. In this day and age, many people are so disenfranchised with the political system that they don't think it makes a difference either way if they get involved. This site is about that, but first and foremost, before politics, I Am Inspired by Obama is about the fact that before August 10th, 1965, Blacks in the segregated South could not even REGISTER to vote, now a Black man is possibly going t0 be the leader of the Free World (that is, if you think the world is free, which is a whole other topic). I am inspired by that, are you? You might, you might not be, but if you aren't, what inspires you? That my friends is the million dollar question.
And oh yeah, since it might get a little sticky in here, THE OBAMA CAMPAIGN HAS NO AFFLIATION WITH THIS SITE. There, we said it.